
I’m Not perfect. Thanks for correcting mistakes:)

Entries from 2020-01-01 to 1 year

Lost mind :)

I've been practicing social distancing but never succeeded if you live in the Tokyo area. Like supermarkets are really tiny and ppl get hit easily even you don't want to. 歩いて東京Disney Seaまでいってきた。 噴火してないvolcano見てなんか切…


HAHAの日。母の日。 Happy Mother's Day. やっぱりあなたは天才。 私もいつか自立出来ますように。 🥺 無事に今日が終りますように。 👼🏻

Happy Mother’s Day

Hapy Mother's Day 母の日おめでとう Thank you so much for not being with me when I needed the most. Thank you so much for cheating with the other guy who I hated the most. I still didn't know what is true love to me. But I still love you an…

Time is money

Ok yeah so Idk where to start but I try. I think it's time to stop not to think or overthink. I know I love to think and I really love thinking or imagining even dreaming. 私はとてつもなく考えるのが好きなのです。 But recently I really thin…


Idk why am I drawing or What's for? Not because We've been social distancing or due to the pandemic... Art is basically welcome for everyone Whatever it is it's ok:) そろそろ冬眠から抜け出したいのだが、 抜け出せてないです。 きっと、 もう…


Rest In Peace 幸せの中でゆっくり休んでください。 あなたが最後に観たい空はどんな空ですか あなたが最初に観た空はどんな空でしたか What kind of sky do you want to see at the end of your life ? What is your favorite sky color like when you saw …


世界一入場料の高い世界遺産 Petra البتراء Petara means cliff or rocky ペトラは崖とか岩っていう意味らしいですprobably 新世界七不思議の一つでもあるんだって インディーンジョーンズの世界でした! これは本当におススメ! 3日間くらい滞在したかった…


Dear earth. I trust you. 逢いたい人には逢える時に愛に行くって言うのがモットーだったけど、今は家に居た方がいいみたいです? もう少しで2週間のself isolation が over なんですけど、次が決まってませんのです。 決めたくないのかもしれません。 甘え…

Unwelcome to the city...!

Hey beautiful world?How's it going? Yep I'm pretty sure you guys have been living with such situations like this (you know...virus) 少しテンション上げてみました。 I spent whole March2020 at Zao Yamagata prefecture. and I worked at "Japanes…

The worst thing in my life so far

ok probably today is the worst day of my life also the best day of my life. I signed official divorce registration papers for my parents. It was basically like 5sec it was ok I mean I didn't expect this was happening to me cuz I thought I …

今まであった当たり前が当たり前じゃなくなった時人は初めて「あぁ、あれって幸せだったんだな。」とか「なんであんなに贅沢な環境に居たのに気がつかなかったんだろう。」とか想ってしまう。 その渦中にいる時は当たり前の幸せに気がつかないようになってい…

Explore the words

do I need to tell you every single words or feelings to you? am I over thinking? I wonder why ppl say like I don't know what you're thinking about . It is obviously ok not to tell you or explain to you. If I explain every single words then…


Patagonia is one of my favorite trip of my life. It was absolutely beautiful and new experience and inspired me a lot . I realized how much I like the nature and the earth. Meeting local is always nice but my friend is Chilean so They help…

Hakuba valley life

I just got my home from Hakuba yesterday. It was less than a month but so many things going on. I've met so many ppl from Canada,Australia and USA. Talking about Japanese tourism,world situation and bush fires in AUS. Yes!absolutely worth …


2020 あけまして、おめでとうございます。 Happy New Year everyone !! Wish you to have fun and be loved. ついに、2020年がやってきました。 オリンピックイヤー and 干支の始まり年 ! 今年もよい年でありますように。 My aim for 2020 1,Be hap…